Well, u gota agree, the bullshit is gone, the xenophobia is gone, the pandemonium surrounding the arms deal, the NPA and the infamous Judge Hlope is under the carpet and is time to Smile. Smile bcuz the nigga we all voted for has mounted the podium, the cabinet is set 34 members; it luks like Skwatta Kemp in there, but u gotta luv it. This season Hip-Hop has manifested itself, something 2 smile abt; Yfm has brought back the magic in Mzansi rap scene by bringing back the late Hip-Hop show through the beautiful Bonang and Channel O has another season of Emcee Africa starting on May 2009. Smile. The beauty of Hip-Hop, Teargas just took home the best Rap album from the SAMA’s. Hype Mag is still keeping the momentum, Mizi and the team is doing their job, perfectly. I’m glad that Outrageous has taken the Hip-Hop show ‘headrush’ into their hands. I guess we have a lot 2 smile about. Forget the recession; forget about the swine flu, The Platform blogsite is here to support Mzansi Hip-Hop. Smile.

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