Hip Hop functions r not a common thing in the VUT, but talk bout poetry sessions n u got urself UVUKO poetry movement, started sometym back…..Hmmmmm….now I gosta go interview da Niggas n find out when dey started, back 2 da issue at hand. As I was saying Poetry is the Bread n Butter 4 most of da peeps at VUT. N once or twice a few cats cum through 2 spit a written or a freebie.
This past Saturday was 1 of those days, n I was surprised 2 cum across The Last Fam, they got on stage n did a set of bout 4 trax. Landmaq, u a true landmark in size n in Skillz keep doing wat ur doing. Im still searching 4 their album, but I enjoyed wat I heard on Saturday. The day was filled with with ladies reciting angry poems n Gs doing their part to retaliate. One Nigga (Gremlin) got on stage n did some Comic Illustraion, which was dope being the first tym witnessing it. Unfortunately I had 2 step out for some air when Methodical got onstage to rip the MIC. One caught a glimpse of the nigga Mathematics, dude next tym try not 2 smell like a brew a lot of peeps r waitin 4 ur explosion n Liquor aint gonna make u explode.
I trully have 2 say it was fun havin a blunt on the steps of an institution, break the rules sumtyms hey!
Big up 2 UVOKO, we need more of this!