Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Who gives a sh*t if I’m Black or White?

…truly speaking, who gives a rat if I’m black or white, really who cares, except for the corporate world documents that expect you to classify yourself according to colour and race. They are the biggest ogre in the race card so maybe they might be excused as uninformed. From last decade it was the whole system of Verwoed screaming and stamping black, black, black, kaffir, kaffir, hate….we learnt, persevered and adjusted to the situation. An extraordinary Golihlahla Mandela comes out from the sea try to rebuilds the nation and re-invents the flag into a rainbow symbol with the hope to end all discrimination and injustice, in good spirit that all shall be one. Well, it didn’t quite happen, lately it was Malema accusing everyone and everything with racism, Kuli Roberts had her opinion just like everyone else but she was strongly vocal about it with the emphasis of ‘race’ she was accused of racial comments, then there was Trevor Manuel and Jimmy Manyi’s publicity squabble; and Steve Hoffmeyer…WTF? Who do you think you are to make such degrading comments? Even if racism is not a crime where do you get a leg or the platform to stand and say such things? Do we need to unleash Malema on you? And wasup with Donald Trump questioning the whole President of the US’s academic credentials is it because he’s black?

The world and its people is engrossed by the cataclysmic events nature has bestowed on us, we don’t need you (racism). Honestly, the world is big enough for us to live as people, not as people with colour. Shit is, I see the colour that has been defined and engraved in my mind as green, stupid, loud, unintelligent, and aggressive before I see you. They say I’m defined by culture, tradition and race but I’m the motherfucker with the personality, what was I before I came out with my skin pigment? South Africa has come a long way since the apartheid regime but apparently we are still living in the after effects of that segregation. Which gave me an excuse when my girlfriend accused me of racism, I literally said, it’s a reverse hatred, like a boomerang, I give back what they gave me. For a little I sounded like Julius. The brutality of racism is so severe that if experienced it can leave someone scared for life, so I heard. But we don’t need that kind of shit in our lives, do we? Jay Z was quoted saying ‘these generation, especially the Hip Hop generation is the least racists kind of people’, I really want to concur but if morons like Steve Hofmeyer, Donald Trump and Jimmy Manyi will come out in public and spit such ignorance, like being a certain colour is a curse, then fuck being black, fuck you cause you not same colour as me! I’m not saying this cause I’m black or because I think the radar is going strongly towards the south, I’m saying this as a human being, as an Hip Hop ambassador, as moral species of the earth; racism is an demonic iniquity that need to be exorcised form humanity cause I’m so full of it!!!! Who really cares if I’m red or bliue?

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